Friday, May 21, 2010

Obscenely Delayed Update

Well it's only been five months since the last post but whatever.

The Shield
  • After blasting through all seven seasons, I can tell you that this is one of the most morally gray shows you'll ever watch.
  • Highlights include season 4 with Glenn Close and season 5 with Forest Whitaker. Both of these actors brought a huge change to the show that put our Strike Team through some tough ordeals.
  • Vic Mackey would eat Jack Bauer alive.

The Pacific
  • I've watched the first seven parts of this mini-series but still have yet to really attach to these characters.
  • It's hard not to compare this with Band of Brothers. Many described that The Pacific would really focus on a small number of main characters rather than an entire company, but they have yet to flesh out the characters aside from being melodramatic about the horrors of war.
  • Maybe it's just because it's the Pacific theater...
  • This was a surprising delight. As an X-Files veteran, I wasn't surprised how quickly this show grew on me.
  • Unlike The X-Files, Fringe managed to create an overlaying connection ("the Pattern") through the mysterious happenings of the show. While the SCIENCE! is often far fetched, it still has it's "Hey, why not?" charm to it.
  • John Noble as Walter Bishop is an absolute delight.

  • Season 4 sure got off to a slow start. It really wasn't until half-way through did a little twist come in and put the show back in high gear.

  • Just started watching this 300-inspired series. Lots of blood, violence, and gratuitous sex!

1 comment:

  1. The Pacific gets better right around part 7 in my opinion. Comparing The Pacific with Band of Brothers does show how bad they were at "creating" compelling characters compared to the easy company soldiers. By part 2 of BoB I already felt attached to most of the characters where as The Pacific took until that last few parts.
